
December 3, 2024

CW7 Arizona: During the holidays, you may need to detox from social media

Courtney Nelson of evolvedMD joined Arizona Daily Mix/CW7 Arizona to discuss the pressures of social media and how a digital detox through the holidays may help. Watch more...
December 5, 2024

ABC 15: Beating the Holiday Blues

evolvedMD sat down with ABC15 to discuss causes of the holiday blues and tips for beating them.
December 7, 2024

Raising Arizona Kids: Navigating Youth Mental Health: Challenges and Support During the Holidays and End-of-Semester Pressures

Kid in the Corner shares practical tips for supporting kids and helping them navigate the challenges during the holidays and at the end of the fall semester.Read more...
December 9, 2024

ABC 15: Buying smart gadgets for your kids? 5 things parents need to know

notMYkid shares five things parents need to know before buying smart gadgets for their kids this holiday season.Watch more...